Embark on a journey through time with the Märklin H0 Gauge
Crocodile Locomotive, a meticulous reproduction of the very first
prototype. Originally conceived in 1936, the Crocodile locomotive
was supposed to come out under the item number CCS 700. Yet,
history had other plans, and this groundbreaking model remained a
prototype, its release thwarted by the turbulent times. It wasn't
until 1947 that the Crocodile made its triumphant debut, reimagined
as the CCS 800 – later known as item number 3015, marking a new era
for model train enthusiasts.
This reproduction not only celebrates the enduring legacy of the
Crocodile locomotive but also Märklin's commitment to craftsmanship
and quality. This is not just a model, it's a piece of history!
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